Kylie Shackleton

Acting Director TrialHub

Alfred Health, Australia

Kylie Shackleton is currently the Acting Director, TrialHub. Located at Alfred Health, TrialHub is a federally funded initiative, that forms partnerships with outer metropolitan, regional and rural health services, to expand the reach and participation in clinical trials. In her previous TrialHub role, Kylie focused on Governance and Start-up of new regional and rural sites to improve access to clinical trials for patients regardless of where they live.
During Kylie’s twenty years of oncology research nursing experience she has worked in a broad range of fields. Before moving to TrialHub, Kylie was the deputy manager of Parkville Cancer Clinical Trial Unit (PCCTU). Kylie has worked in a number of other health services including Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, in the implementation of the Translational Breast Cancer Research Group (TransBCR).
Kylie is a Registered Nurse and holds a Graduate Certificate of Oncology Nursing and has recently completed an MBA (Health Management).

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