IncluDE Site Solutions Summit

Exhibitor Logistics

Exhibitor Schedule

EXHIBITOR SET-UP: Sunday, April 6, 2025 | 1:00-6:00 p.m.
EXHIBITOR TEAR-DOWN: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 | 1:15-3:15 p.m. (If staying for Oncology Summit, your team will leave booth until Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 10:30-1:30 p.m.)

What Comes with Your Booth

  • 8′ deep by 10′ wide
  • Pipe and drape structure includes BLUE drapes
  • 6′ white skirted table
  • 2 chairs
  • 1 waste basket
  • ID sign
  • Exhibit hall is carpeted

Contractor Notice

EAC: Exhibitor Appointed Contractors must fill out the EAC form inside the exhibitor services kit

Contact: Kathy Moritz or +1-443-844-5738


Loews Atlanta
1065 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
Phone: 404-745-5000

*If shipping directly to the hotel, you must first fill out the Loews Shipping forms found in the SHIPPING DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL section below.

Visit Hotel Website

Encore Global – Internet, Electric, AV

Internet, electrical, and audio-visual services can be ordered through Encore Global at the Loews Atlanta

Contact: Joseph Munsey – 
P: (404) 745-5713

Exhibiting at both the IncluDE and Oncology Summits? Please use the button on the right below to place your orders for Internet, electrical, and audio/visual services for both summits in one form.

Shipping Directly to the Hotel

You may choose to ship your booth materials using Advantage Expo, OR directly to Loews Atlanta. All exhibitors, whether shipping directly to the hotel or using Advantage, must fill out the Loews Atlanta shipping forms through their portal which can be found by clicking the button below.

Plan for your shipments to arrive no EARLIER than Tuesday, April 1, 2025.


Advantage Expo – Furniture, Freight Shipments, etc.

Official Show Contractor: Advantage Conference & Expo

Kathy Moritz


Shipments should be clearly marked using the corresponding labels that best represent your company’s involvement in the Atlanta Summits. If you are only exhibiting at one of the two corresponding Atlanta Summits (IncluDE OR Oncology), please use the corresponding label for the Summit your organization is participating in. If you are exhibiting at BOTH Summits (IncluDE AND Oncology), please use the corresponding label that lists both IncluDE (formerly Diversity) & Oncology Summits.

(Rent additional furniture, advanced shipments, material handling, etc.)

Advance Materials Order and Warehouse Receiving Deadline: Friday March 21, 2025

Summit Marketing

Feel free to use the Summit Signature Stickers as you please in email signatures, shared through social media, or on your website to promote your support of SCRS and the Site Solutions Summits™.